(NETS-T 5) This assignment is my Technology Self-Assessment on School 2.0. The assignment entailed me investigating one of ISTE's National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers and then writing about what I found, which was an awesome project Rock Our World, which focuses on inspiring student creativity.
The NETS-T I chose to investigate was the Module: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. I chose this because I think that creativity is such an important part of the learning process. Part of the reason I feel it is so important is because I have never felt very creative myself. I want to create assignments that inspire creativity because I think that students feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when they use creative thinking, because it doesn't always come easy. It also makes learning more fun, in my opinion. Creating original works is exciting while being educational. When investigating the resources for this module, I read about the international project Rock Our World.
Rock Our World is an amazing initiative that was started in 2004 by Carol Anne McGuire. ROW brings together student and teachers from all 7 continents to collaborate in the making of original music and movies, as well as the opportunity to video chat with each other. This is so cool on so many levels. I think music is such a powerful medium of learning, and the use of video chat between the different continents is a great way to teach the importance of being aware of, and tolerant of, and inspired by other cultures around the world. Another neat project they have done is the "Creative Game Challenge", where schools compete to create an original game that involves four commonly used and well known items to teach one of the core standards. This gets the creative juices flowing while being fun and informative. The collaboration between team members, and the competition with other schools makes it even more exciting. When I become a teacher, I will definitely look into getting my class involved with ROW.
Rock our world huh? That sounds really cool, get students from all over the world to work together. Technology made the whole world a little smaller, bring so many kids in contact with each other.